Categories Short Film

The Choice

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Play Video In Loving Memory of Bryceston Armani Page. Follow us through downtown Laurel.  Bryceston wanted something catchy that young people his age could relate to.  How could he motivate

Ms. Pearl’s Diner Episode 1

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Episode 1 of our very own reality show, "Ms. Pearl's Diner".  In Episode 1, "Pudding Problems", a customer who is hangry for Ms. Pearl's famous banana pudding is upset when

Origin Stories -The McLaurin Family

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Play Video In this short film, before we had fancy lighting and audio equipment, we hear the story of Ms. Velma McLaurin, the granddaughter of an Alabama sharecropper, and her

Don’t Shoot

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Play Video The Laurel Jones County Branch of the NAACP takes a group of young people to the movies for a learning experience concerning the real-life situation from the movie